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    Monday, April 20, 2009

    Which way is correct?

    this morning my mother asked kless a question. why is joey's time scheduled according to our activities? why aren't we scheduling out time according to joey's activities?

    for example, last friday we brought joey along for our cg outing. we ended quite late lah. so joey was very tired. like any grandparents, my mother felt a bit 'heart pain' to see her grandchild 'suffering' like that.

    are we doing it the right way? i feel my mother has a valid point. but then, it is all a matter of striking a balance rite? i can't plan all my activities (church, work, personal) 100% in-line with joey's time. neither should i neglect to plan my tme for joey's activities. as working parents, when we are in the office, joey is in her childcare centre. the time we have for one another is when i send her to school and fetch her back. once at home, she washes up, plays her toy, watches her cartoons and then it's time for bed. the cycle goes on pretty much the same everyday from mon-fri. except for weekends, kless and i will try our best to plan some outdoor fun for her. not sure have i done enough, but i feel i have tried at least..

    back to the cg outing. if i left joey at home with my mother, she would have better rest. but then i would have lesser chance to do something with joey.

    parenting is not easy. a lifetime of learning thru trials and errors. what more the 2nd baby is coming soon. a whole new level of understanding and balancing will be required. God bless me! kowtow to all the parents i know.... me included =)


    1. we never really planned our schedule around the kids... if they needed naps... we had slings or strollers. :P
      I think if you have a set routine for weekdays and cut loose at weekends, the kids will learn to adapt. I know I did cos my family used to do midnite outings with 2 other families during my growing up years. :)

    2. good idea...having a fixed schedule for the weekdays and more flexi schedule for weekends..that is good way to maintain balance..
